Resolution encouraging the State Legislature to approve Senate Bill 182 to repeal the preemption of local laws regarding the use or sale of single-use plastic bags and polystyrene materials

Resolution encouraging the State Legislature to approve Senate Bill 182 to repeal the preemption of local laws regarding the use or sale of single-use plastic bags and polystyrene materials

A resolution of the Mayor and Village Commission of the North Bay Village, Miami-Dade, Florida, strongly encouraging the state legislature to approve senate bill 182 ad any companion house bills relating to the preemption of recyclable and polystyrene materials that would amend sections 403.7033 and 500.90, Florida Statues, and repeal the premption of local laws regarding the use or sale of single-use plastic bags and polystyrene materials; providing for transmittal and providing for effective date.


Resolution No. 2019-079 Encouraging State Legislature to Appove Senate Bill 182 Relating to the Preemption of Recyclable and Polystrene Materials