Authorized Florida Friendly Fertilizer Ordinance to limit nutrient pollution and protect waterways

Authorized Florida Friendly Fertilizer Ordinance to limit nutrient pollution and protect waterways

Fertilizer Ordinances: Good for the Environment & Economy

South Florida’s waterways are exquisitely sensitive to nutrients, and some have even been designated as “impaired” for nutrient pollution. Fertilizer ordinances that limit the time, extent, and type of fertilizer allowed to be applied within a municipality’s borders offer a way to reduce the discharge of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus to water bodies where they may significantly degrade the water and lead to, among other things, algae blooms. In addition to their ecological damage, harmful algae blooms can have a devastating effect on Florida’s coastal economy, leading to health care costs from hospital and doctor visits, losses in tourism revenue, and clean-up activities. Research compiled by the Florida Department of Health shows harmful algae blooms can cause millions of dollars in economic damages to affected Florida coastal communities. Enforcing fertilizer ordinances may be difficult in certain circumstances, particularly concerning private citizens on private property.

Read North Bay Village Florida Friendly Fertilizer Ordinance